Library Cards
Your library card:
Any Grant County resident or property owner who is at least 18 years of age is entitled to a FREE library card upon completion of the application process. Simply present official identification that includes a current Grant County street address, such as a driver's license. Or, a picture ID and proof of your current Grant County street address, such as a bill stub. You also provide your phone number and birth date.
Children may obtain a library card with the permission of a parent or legal guardian, who is responsible for monitoring the child's library use, including the appropriate use of library materials and services.
Only you may use your library card. You assume full responsibility for all items borrowed on your card. You must notify the library when your name, address, or phone number changes.
You are responsible for reporting a lost or stolen card. The Library assumes that the person presenting a card is the legitimate card holder, so anything checked out on a card is the responsibility of the cardholder. A replacement library card costs $1.
Click here to fill out online library card registration form.
Internet Access to Your Account:
You may access your library account online. To do so, you provide us with a PIN number.
Loan Policies:
Three week loan period: all books and up to 10 music CDs, 5 audiobooks, 5 Playaways, and 10 magazines.
Seven (7) day loan period: up to 8 DVDs, 1 video game, 1 Playaway Launchpad.
Materials may be renewed in person, by phone, or online - if they have not been requested by someone else. Only video games may not be renewed.
After hours, library materials may be returned in the outside book drop. Please wrap CDs and DVDs so they are not damaged in the book drop. Please do not return Ereaders or Playaway Launchpads in the book drop.
Fines and Related Charges:
The fine for overdue books, magazines, and CDs is $.10 per day. For DVDs, the fine is $.25 per day. For video games, Ereaders, and Playaway Launchpads, the fine is $1 per day. Lost and damaged materials are charged at the replacement cost plus a $5 processing fee.
Computer Use Policy
Computer use is limited to 30 minutes during peak times.
Printer copies are $.15 for black/white or $.50 for color.
The Library's public computers and Internet access may not be used to:
violate the law
send, receive, or display text or graphics that may reasonably be construed as inappropriate or obscene
harm or compromise the safety, security, privacy, or property of others
seek unauthorized access to any computer system
alter or damage software components of any network, host server, or database
install software of any kind or download plug-ins
Computer and internet users must agree to abide by these policies and understand that failure to do so will result in the loss of computer and Internet privileges.
Patron Code of Conduct
Public Space
The purpose of this policy is to ensure that the premises, i.e., the library building and grounds, are safe and welcoming, and to set a standard of acceptable behavior that is conducive to maintaining an appropriate public library atmosphere.
Customer Behavior
Library visitors must respect the rights of others and must not behave in a manner that disturbs others; interferes with the use of the facility/grounds, materials, or services by others; interferes with the staff’s performance of their duties; or is otherwise inconsistent with behavior normally associated with a public library.
By entering Grant County Public Library you are making a commitment to act courteously toward all other persons here; act respectfully with regard to public property and follow the rules of this facility. The library is for the enjoyment of everyone; enjoy the library and allow others the same opportunity.
The library staff is here to ensure a pleasant environment and is authorized to determine whether patrons are following the rules and regulations of the library. The library environment must be a safe, welcoming, and comfortable environment for all.
The library reserves the right to require anyone who engages in disruptive behavior to leave the premises, the right to restrict privileges for a specified period of time, and the right to ban the individual from the library temporarily or permanently.
The library staff will notify the individual that he or she is in violation and provide them with two verbal warnings along with modification recommendations, if appropriate. If the behavior continues, the individual may be asked to leave the premises. Patrons who continually do not observe the rules of the library will be made known to the director who will make the decision about suspension or permanent loss of library privileges.
Unattended Children
The library wants to ensure that everyone feels welcomed when using the library. For the safety and enjoyment of all who use the library, a responsible adult or caregiver must accompany children in all areas of the library unless the children are able to work independently. Adults and caregivers are responsible for the safety and behavior of their children.
Library staff cannot prevent children from interacting with or leaving with a person who is not the appropriate adult; stranger danger is a real concern that should be taken seriously.
Suspension and Banning Procedure
A written notification of suspension from the library premises shall be initiated by library staff, most often by the Public Services Librarian, and shall be hand delivered to the offending customer. If library staff recommend and the director agrees that there are reasonable grounds to believe a customer should be banned from the premises, the director issues a written banning order that notifies the customer of the ban, length of the ban, the reason[s] for the ban. The banning order is sent to the banned customer by certified registered mail [when the address is known], or by hand delivery by any staff upon the customer’s entry into any premises, or by any contact with the banned customer. A copy of the banning order is provided to the library board president, law enforcement, and the County Attorney’s Office. Notification of the banning order is provided to all staff. The banned customer shall have the ability to appeal the Banning Order, see below for further appeals information.
Banning order appeal procedure
A banned customer may appeal the banning order by filing a notice of appeal. The director sets a hearing date that falls within 15 working days of receipt of the appeal. The banned customer is notified of this date by regular mail to the address indicated on the appeal.
To be assured a review of the merits at the hearing, the banned customer must be present at the scheduled hearing. Failure to attend the hearing results in a dismissal of the appeal and leaves the banning order in effect.
The hearing shall occur in the presence of the director; the library board president, or designated representative; and the Grant County Attorney, or designated representative. At the hearing, evidence may be presented. The banned customer shall not be required to offer evidence at the hearing.
Within 15 days after the hearing, the director makes a final binding written order that is mailed to the banned customer at the address provided in the notice of appeal. The final order contains the final decision of the director; its form and legality are approved by the Grant County Attorney or designated representative. The final order may be appealed in the proper court of law.
Non-compliance [Trespass]
If a banned customer enters or refuses to leave the premises before the return date listed in the banning order or the notification of suspension, pursuant to staff request that he/she leave, the banned customer is considered to be trespassing and law enforcement will be called.