Click on the image above to go to KLU
Kentucky Libraries Unbound is a shared digital collection featuring eBooks, eAudio, and eMagazines. Downloads are similar to physical library materials, so items already in use can be put on hold.
Beginning Basics:
1. Click "Sign in" at the top right of your screen
2. Select "Grant County Public Library" from the dropdown menu
3. Enter your GCPL library card number
4. Enter your library card's pin/password
(if you forgot your password, call us at 859-824-2080)
Click here for help on downloading the Libby app onto your phone or other mobile devises
Click on the image above to go to Hoopla
Hoopla is a streaming service from Midwest Tapes featuring eBooks, eAudio, Steaming movies and TV series, and more. GCPL patrons can download 10 items each month. Patrons are also able to use the Binge Pass
How to start:
1. Click "Log in" at the top right of your screen
2. Click "Sign up" at the bottom of the pop-up screen
3. Enter your GCPL library card number and your library card's pin/password*
4. Enter an email and password**
Click here for help with downloading the Hoopla app on your phone, television, or other digital device.
Click here for help with using Binge Pass.
*if you forgot your password, call us at 859-824-2080)
** GCPL will not be able to reset your Hoopla password if you forget; use Hoopla's "forgot your password" feature